Scholarships and Awards > Conference Awards

Conference Awards

BHIVA supports several conference awards with the aim of rewarding and supporting young researchers in the field of HIV medicine.

BHIVA Spring Conference 2024 - Awards

The BHIVA Margaret Johnson Best Oral Research Presentation
This prize will be awarded to the presenter of the best oral research presentation during the conference.

The BHIVA Ian Williams Best Poster Prize
This prize will be awarded to the presenter of the best poster research presentation during the conference.

Chloe Orkin Award
Awarded to the best oral or poster presentation for work in the field of social sciences at junior or senior grade. To be decided in collaboration with the poster judging Panel to either a poster or oral presentation for each award.

Martin Fisher Award
Awarded to the best oral or poster presentation for work in the field of community-based work at junior or senior grade. To be decided in collaboration with the poster judging Panel to either a poster or oral presentation for each award.

The BHIVA Best Case Presentation
A prize will be awarded to the presenter of the best case presentation as part of the BHIVA Lunchtime Clinico-pathological case presentations sessions.

Commended Oral Presentations
Up to three awards will be presented in recognition of the best oral research presentations during the conference. To be eligible for these prizes the presenter must be of junior grade (sub-consultant or equivalent).

Commended Poster Presentations
Up to 15 awards will be presented in recognition of the best poster research presentations during the conference. A rosette will be awarded to the top 15 posters after the poster judging session during the Welcome Reception.

BHIVA Conference Awards

BHIVA Conference Awards

BHIVA Conference Awards

BHIVA Conference Awards

BHIVA Conference Awards