Date: 2-5 April 2019
Venue: Bournemouth International Centre, UK
P2 A review of patients’ medication history over a 2-month period in an HIV clinic
P4 ARV switches with an undetectable viral load: why and when
P5 Audit: what happened to patients after Atripla was unbundled?
P7 Comparative efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and lamivudine in treatment-naïve HIV patients
P10 From theory to reality: a clinic experience of Symtuza in complex patients
P12 Long-acting cabotegravir + rilpivirine as maintenance therapy: ATLAS week-48 results
P14 Patient perspectives on switching to generic antiretrovirals to reduce NHS costs
P15 Pragmatic use of darunavir/cobicistat (Rezolsta) monotherapy in poorly adherent patients
P16 Real-world experience of dolutegravir-containing dual antiretroviral (ARV) therapy in people living with HIV (PLWH): a retrospective analysis
P17 Seroconverters: then and now
P18 Switching Atripla to Truvada and generic efavirenz: is the saving sustainable?
P20 Transmitted NNRTI resistance does not impact the efficacy of EVG/c/FTC/TAF (or TDF) in two randomised clinical trials in treatment-naive patients living with HIV-1
P21 Virological failure after switch from twice-daily to once- daily raltegravir: a case series
P26 Behaviours and perceptions of risk in MSM taking PrEP in Edinburgh
P30 HIV infection with baseline M184MIV resistance mutation following self-sourced pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) outside a health system-delivered PrEP programme
P31 Lost to follow up: a key minority group
P32 Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): review of current clinical practice
P34 What is the acceptability of using phylogenetic data in clinical and public health practice?
P35 Who is diagnosed with HIV infection in the era of effective combination prevention?
P37 Audit of sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening in HIV-positive pregnant women
P38 Breastfeeding with HIV: a retrospective case review
P39 Dolutegravir in pregnancy safety alert: how did we do?
P40 Dolutegravir use in adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV: is weight gain an issue?
P41 ‘Don’t forget the children’: 10 years on. Late HIV diagnosis in a 14-year old with perinatally acquired HIV
P45 Therapeutic drug monitoring of darunavir levels in pregnancy
P48 A review of inpatients admitted with HIV encephalopathy in an inner-city London teaching hospital
P49 Accelerated atherosclerosis and myocardial injury in people living with HIV
P50 Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, a rare cause of acute confusion in an HIV-positive patient
P51 Antiretroviral central nervous system toxicity
P53 Audit of type 2 diabetes in people living with HIV: performance against NICE guidelines targets
P54 Body composition, bone mineral density and metabolic parameters in well-controlled ART-experienced HIV-positive men
P56 Clinical events and outcomes among an HIV-2 positive cohort in a central London HIV clinic
P57 Discontinuation of dolutegravir-containing regimens due to adverse reactions: real-world data
P60 Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a UK adult population living with HIV
P61 Hepatic safety of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF)
P63 HIV is not associated with sleep-disordered breathing
P64 Homelessness among people living with HIV: a hospital inpatient cohort review
P65 Impact of application of new American hypertension guidelines to a UK HIV cohort
P66 Multimorbidity burden in an HIV population aged over 50 in South East England
P67 Neurological admissions in people living with HIV: a review of inpatient admissions to an inner-city teaching hospital
P68 No bones about it: high rates of osteoporosis in women living with HIV
P72 Renal disease in HIV: early experience with tenofovir alafenamide in Worcestershire, UK
P74 Routine IGRA testing of people with HIV provides few opportunities to prevent TB
P75 Routine monitoring of adults with HIV-1 over 40
P76 Switching to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF) in the over 60s: has it made a difference?
P77 Withdrawn.
P78 A changing pattern of HIV inpatient admissions and complexity: from late diagnoses to defaulters
P79 The prevalence of liver fibrosis in patients living with HIV with abnormal liver function tests
P80 The road to eliminating hepatitis C virus in individuals living with HIV
P81 The use of specific antiretroviral agents in persons with HIV with relative contraindications
P84 Utility of HCV core antigen for the diagnosis of acute HCV in high-risk individuals
P85 Waist:hip ratio (WHR): a better predictor of cardiovascular risk (CVR) than body mass index (BMI) in people living with HIV (PLWH)
P86 What is the significance of abnormal liver function tests in people living with HIV infection?
P87 A descriptive study of British South Asians living with HIV
P89 An evaluation of the national rollout of the HIV and AIDS Reporting System (HARS)
P92 Frequent stable attenders: is HARS missing true complexity in stable patients?
P93 HIV testing in OPAT: a missed opportunity
P94 HIV testing survey to ascertain and encourage local compliance with NICE HIV testing guidelines
P96 Latin Americans in the UK: a key population for HIV prevention
P97 Mind the gap: new diagnoses of HIV in a London clinic (2016–2018)
P98 Mortality and causes of death among HIV patients in London in 2017
P99 New HIV diagnoses in a London sexual health clinic: missed opportunities?
P100 NHS healthcare utilisation of people living with HIV compared to matched, HIV-negative controls
P101 Opt-out HIV testing in the primary care setting: are our expectations realistic?
P103 Routine HIV testing in the Emergency Department in a major trauma centre: the first 8 weeks
P105 Routine opt-out HIV testing in gynaecological oncology pre- admission clinic
P108 UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets are achievable in small urban clinics
P109 Understanding the factors that influence late HIV diagnosis: a retrospective review
P110 What can be learnt from mapping new HIV diagnoses across a high prevalence city?
P111 A sexual empowerment group for women living with HIV
P117 Healthcare needs beyond HIV in a changing NHS: participant exploration of Positive Voices data
P118 Improving patient engagement and medication adherence in young adults with perinatally acquired HIV (PAHIV)
P122 Quality of life along the continuum of care for HIV in England
P123 The unmet mental health needs of people living with HIV: participant exploration of the Positive Voices data
P124 Use of peer-led research design model in HIV policy research
P125 A human rights approach to successfully change national aviation laws to enable people living with HIV to train as pilots
P127 Annual viral load monitoring in virologically suppressed patients
P130 Can patient satisfaction be maintained after provider switch?
P132 Disclosures: rewriting the narrative about HIV through creative activism
P133 Do HIV patients find remote services acceptable? A survey of attitudes towards digital HIV care
P137 Improving testosterone testing in people living with HIV
P138 Meaningful involvement to design solutions for ensuring people living with HIV live well into older age
P139 Measuring the impact of specialist HIV community nursing
P141 Patient recommendations for developing care pathways for HIV-related metabolic comorbidities
P143 The East London Immediate ART (ELIA) survey: attitudes and barriers to immediate ART initiation
P144 The family HIV testing pathway: ensuring prioritisation and follow up
P145 The impact of weather and college holidays on attendance at HIV youth services
P146 Vaccinations in newly diagnosed HIV patients: a quality improvement project
P147 A review of hypogonadism in an HIV cohort
P149 Feasibility, acceptability and outcomes of fertility evaluation in adults with perinatally acquired HIV-1 infection: a cross- sectional observational study
P151 The menopause experience: a quality improvement project