Tuesday 23 June 2015
Closing date for applications is midday on 10 July 2015
Reference no: EC15-22
The UK NSC advises ministers and the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on all aspects of screening policy and supports implementation. It assesses the evidence for screening programmes against a set of internationally recognised criteria. It currently has a number of vacancies as identified from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.
We are seeking members with recognised expertise and a track record of national achievement in one of the following fields:
health economist
medico legal
public health specialist
social scientist
cancer specialist
patient and public voice
The time commitment will be up to 10 days per year. There is no remuneration for these posts but expenses are paid. A copy of the application pack is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-of-health/about/recruitment.