(Report available from 30 August 2017 from the Public Health England website)
Wednesday 30 August 2017
The British HIV Association (BHIVA) welcomes this comprehensive report from Public Health England (PHE), which provides a damning indictment of the consequences of the Health & Social Care Act 2012 on HIV and sexual health commissioning and care provision.
Responding to the findings of the report, BHIVA Chair Professor Chloe Orkin, said: “Predictably, some four years since implementation of the Health & Social Care Act, the HIV and sexual health commissioning landscape remains unclear, overly complex and highly fragmented, with a dearth of collaboration between the various commissioning bodies and service providers.
"For service providers, constant rounds of re-tendering cause instability and uncertainty, particularly when the threat of losing part of a service makes the entire service untenable.
"The implications of cuts to local authorities' sexual health and HIV budgets are also clearly highlighted, with two thirds of local authorities reporting decreased investment during 2016-17 and a similar proportion anticipating further cuts. This will result in decommissioning of services, staff reductions and fewer service locations. These are likely to reduce access to HIV and sexual health services for those most at risk, at a time of increased demand due to increasing STI rates and represent a false economy.
"More positively, it is good to see PHE proposing a wide-ranging but coherent way forward, including piloting models of local service delivery based on good examples of effective commissioning; improved commissioning guidance and enhanced sexual health networks and other commissioning support tools. BHIVA will continue to work with PHE and other organisations to devise a more coordinated and collaborative commissioning model which reflects local circumstances and working methods."
For further information, please contact Curium Communications:
Jon Cope: 07867 508212
[email protected]
Founded in 1995, BHIVA is the leading professional organisation committed to providing excellence in the care of those living with and affected by HIV. It acts as a national advisory body to professions and other organisations on all aspects of HIV care. BHIVA also provides a national platform for HIV care and contributes representatives for international, national and local committees dealing with HIV care. In addition, BHIVA works to promote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education within HIV care. www.bhiva.org @BritishHIVAssoc