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BHIVA guidelines for the management of hepatitis viruses in adults infected with HIV 2013 (2014 interim update)


The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on best clinical practice in the treatment and management of adults with HIV and viral hepatitis coinfection. The scope includes: i) guidance on diagnostic and fibrosis screening; ii) preventative measures including immunisation and behavioural intervention; iii) ARV therapy and toxicity; iv) management of acute and chronic HBV/HIV and HCV/HIV; v) monitoring and management of coinfection-related end-stage liver disease (ESLD) including transplantation; and vi) discussion on HDV/HIV and HEV/HIV infection. The guidelines are aimed at clinical professionals involved in and responsible for the care of adults with HIV and viral hepatitis coinfection, and at community advocates responsible for promoting the best interests and care of adults with coinfection. They should be read in conjunction with other published BHIVA and hepatitis guidelines.

All changes made to the document post-publication, during the 2014 interim update, are highlighted.

BHIVA guidelines for the management of hepatitis viruses in adults infected with HIV 2013

Hepatitis guideline update

These guidelines are now undergoing full review. Much has changed, particularly in the area of hepatitis C, since the last (2013) update, so in the interim please see​.

Appendices for these guidelines

Appendix 1
Appendix 2

Consultation comments
Comments received by the BHIVA Secretariat during the web consultation process

Presentation on these guidelines is available to download and use to facilitate dissemination and implementation of the BHIVA guidance.
Powerpoint Presentation

Non-technical summary

A non-technical summary will accompany the updated guidelines.

Writing group

Dr Ed Wilkins (Chair), Dr Mark Nelson (Vice-chair), Dr Kosh Agarwal, Ms Dola Awoyemi, Dr Eleanor Barnes, Dr Sanjay Bhagani, Dr Gary Brook, Dr Ashley Brown, Ms Sheena Castelino, Dr Graham Cooke, Prof Martin Fisher, Prof Anna Maria Geretti, Mr Robert James, Dr Ranjababu Kulasegaram, Prof Clifford Leen, Prof David Mutimer, Dr Chloe Orkin, Dr Emma Page, Dr Adrian Palfreeman, Dr Padmasayee Papineni, Dr Alison Rodger, Dr CY William Tong

Peer review

The guidelines were peer reviewed by Professor Gail Matthews, The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales and St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia, and Dr Curtis Cooper, Ottawa Hospital, Canada.

Guideline updates and date of next review

The guidelines are currently undergoing full review.


Wilkins E, Nelson M, Agarwal K et al. British HIV Association guidelines for the management of hepatitis viruses in adults infected with HIV 2013. HIV Med 2013; 14 Suppl 4: 1–71.