Position Statements > CD4 Test Supply Disruption

CD4 Test Supply Disruption

Wednesday 21 December 2022

We have been notified of a UK-wide supply disruption to Beckman Coulter products used for the CD4 T cell counts and lymphocyte subset pathology tests. These tests are carried out across immunology pathology laboratories using flow cytometry.

To preserve equitable access, all relevant services (including HIV) have produced guidance to reduce demand on limited test supplies.

We encourage all services to follow BHIVA monitoring guidelines for CD4 testing but during this shortage we advise the following:

  • No CD4 testing in people who are virally suppressed with a CD4 above 200 cells/uL unless this is to guide cessation of opportunistic infection prophylaxis

  • Reserving CD4 testing for:

    1. People who are newly diagnosed

    2. People who have been off ART for more than 3 months

    3. People with symptoms or signs suggestive of immune deficiency

    4. People admitted to hospital with unknown CD4/viral load

BHIVA adult HIV monitoring guidance: https://www.bhiva.org/monitoring-guidelines

For further information, please contact [email protected] or for media enquiries, please contact Jo Josh at [email protected] or +44 (0)7306 391875.