Date: 17-20 April 2018
Venue: Edinburgh International Conference Centre, UK
The Fourth Joint Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) was held in the spring of 2018 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, UK.
It was preceded by the BHIVA Hepatology Highlights for the Healthcare Specialist 2018 in collaboration with BVHG.
Click here for information on the BHIVA / BASHH Joint Conferences Committee (JCC), BHIVA Executive Commitee and BASHH Elected Officers & representatives.
Click here to view and download the conference presentations.
Click here to read the detailed post-conference report.
Click here to view Scholarships and Awards.
Please note that poster presentations for this conference will not be uploaded onto the website.
To view all abstracts, download the Abstract Book.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Medical staff in career grade posts who are enrolled with one of the Royal Medical Colleges for Continuing Professional Development will be entitled to receive CPD credits at the rate of one CPD credit per conference hour (exclusive of travel, refreshments, pharmaceutical-supported sessions and social events). The unique reference code for the conference is 116402. The entire conference has been allocated 22 CPD credits. Please be advised that the attendance list of the conference will be forwarded to the Royal College of Physicians upon request.
BHIVA and BASHH are grateful for support from Visit Scotland and Marketing Edinburgh.