News & Media > Networked care crucial to tackling HIV, as UK infections top 100,000* in 2014

Networked care crucial to tackling HIV, as UK infections top 100,000* in 2014

BHIVA and FHIVAThursday 27 November 2014

New multiprofessional HIV healthcare organisation launched to promote and safeguard clinical excellence

Effectively tackling HIV in the UK will depend on tightly networked, multiprofessional treatment and care, according to delegates at a meeting of the UK’s leading HIV treatment and care professionals held in London today (27 November 2014), in advance of World AIDS Day (1 Dec 2014).

Presenters at the conference, ‘Evolving Models of HIV Care for the 21st Century’, will describe how local and national networks of health professionals representing a wide range of approaches to HIV treatment and care can have a significant impact in improving patient outcomes, optimizing research in the field, and influencing policy.

The meeting also sees the launch of the Federation of HIV Associations (FHIVA), a new umbrella body for professional organisations involved in HIV clinical care in the UK. Dr David Asboe, Chair of the British HIV Association, which has led the development of the new body, said “At a time when the importance of professional care networks has never been greater, FHIVA will provide a united voice, in order to promote and safeguard clinical excellence in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.”

Representing six well-established professional organisations, FHIVA will work with community advocacy groups that represent patients and will explore areas where collaborative initiatives are most likely to benefit clinical excellence. These will include making joint responses to relevant consultations; providing collaborative input into relevant guidelines; and undertaking joint scientific and/or fundraising events, such as events to mark World AIDS Day.

* 'HIV in the United Kingdom: 2014 Report', Public Health England

For further information or comment, please contact Curium Communications:
Jon Cope: 07867 508212
[email protected]

Founded in 1995, BHIVA is a well-established organisation which is committed to providing excellence in the care of those living with and affected by HIV. It acts as a national advisory body to professions and other organisations on all aspects of HIV care. BHIVA also provides a national platform for HIV care and contributes representatives for international, national and local committees dealing with HIV care. In addition, BHIVA works to promote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education within HIV care. Visit for more information about BHIVA, and follow us on Twitter @BritishHIVAssoc

The Federation of HIV Associations (FHIVA) provides a united voice for the UK’s professional HIV healthcare organisations, in order to promote and safeguard clinical excellence in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. The parties within FHIVA are all professional organisations involved in clinical care acting to represent healthcare professionals working in HIV care in the UK. The members are: The British HIV Association; The Children’s HIV Association; Dietitians in HIV/AIDS; The HIV Pharmacy Association; The National HIV Nurses Association; The Rehabilitation in HIV Association. In addition, the HIV Trainees Club will be affiliated to FHIVA.