Wednesday 10 September 2014
The Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (EAGA) has recommended a change in the recommended regimen for post-exposure prophylaxis from tenofovir/emtricitabine with Kaletra to tenofovir/emtricitabine with raltegravir (September 2014).
Additionally, PEP is no longer recommended following occupational exposure to a source with an undetectable viral load (December 2013).
EAGA produces guidance on HIV PEP following occupational exposure, the latest update being in 2008.
All 3 documents should be read in conjunction with local policy on managing incidents in occupational settings where workers are accidentally exposed to blood or body fluids.
Please click on the link below to download all three documents:
The same PEP regimen should be used for both occupational and non-occupational PEP and it is recommended that providers change their PEP starter packs accordingly.
The guidelines for PEP after sexual exposure (PEPSE) produced by BASHH with input from BHIVA are currently being updated according to NICE-accredited guideline development processes and should be available in late 2014/early 2015. The current version is accessible by clicking on the link below:
UK guideline for the use of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV following sexual exposure (2011)