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Rehabilitation in HIV Association (RHIVA)

RHIVA is the Rehabilitation in HIV Association. We are a group of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) specialising in the field of HIV rehabilitation.

We aim to:

1. Provide a network to support Allied Health Professionals working in HIV specialist settings.

2. Provide support and education to Allied Health Professionals who work in non-HIV specialist settings.

3. Champion the rehabilitation and HIV agenda at local and national level through the development of standards and guidelines and by influencing policies relating to HIV and rehabilitation.

4. Lead on research and best practice in rehabilitation in HIV.

RHIVA formed in 2010 from previous Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy HIV special interest groups, and became affiliated with BHIVA in 2011. We maintain links with our professional bodies, including the College of Occupational Therapy (COT) through the Specialist Section - HIV, Oncology and Palliative Care (SS-HOPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy through their HIV Clinical Interest Group. We are currently developing formal links with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. We also have a close working relationship with the Canada-UK HIV Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CUHRRC).

Our website is currently under development and will launch during 2016. In the past we have contributed to national guidelines, presented at national and international conferences on the emerging topic of HIV and rehabilitation and coordinated national study days aimed at AHPs both in HIV specialist settings and in non-HIV specialist settings. Rehabilitation in HIV is a growing concern as people live longer with HIV but continue to experience impairments and disabilities that require rehabilitation. We are pleased to be affiliated with BHIVA for the mutual opportunities for education, guideline and policy development, and research, focussing on the emerging area of HIV and rehabilitation.

Our membership is open to individuals with an interest in HIV and rehabilitation, with committee membership currently open to qualified Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists in the UK. To become a member please contact the RHIVA Chair Esther McDonnell via [email protected] or the RHIVA Vice Chair Darren Brown via [email protected].

Esther McDonnell, Occupational Therapist, Chair

Darren Brown, Physiotherapist, Vice Chair

Competencies for Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists working with people living with HIV

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