Date: 2-5 April 2019
Venue: Bournemouth International Centre, UK
Oral Research Presentations: Session 3 (16–24)
Abstract O16 - IV antiretroviral drug regimens and lung function decline in early HIV infection
Ken Kunisaki, Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Abstract O17 - Invasive pneumococcal disease in people living with HIV in England, 1999-2017
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England
Abstract O18 - Equivalent responses to quadrivalent influenza vaccine are detectable in blood and oral fluid in healthcare workers and men living with HIV on ART
Katrina Pollock, Imperial College London
Abstract O19 - HIV co-morbidities and their impact on attendance frequency at HIV clinics in England and Wales: findings from Positive Voices 2017 linked to national cohort data
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England
Abstract O20 - Self-reported symptoms of insomnia and objective measures of sleep quality in people living with HIV and comparable controls
Davide De Francesco, University College London
Abstract O21 - Psychological burden and the impact on engagement with care among ethnically diverse older women with HIV
Rageshri Dhairyawan, Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust
Abstract O22 - Clinical outcomes and experiences of trans people accessing HIV care in England
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England
Abstract O23 - Risk factors and patterns of HCV transmission amongst men who have sex with men
Daniel Bradshaw, Public Health England
Abstract O24 - Fall in HCV incidence in HIV+ MSM in London following expansion of access to DAA therapy
Lucy Garvey, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
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