2019 Conferences and Events > 25th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (Bournemouth 2019) > 25th Annual Conference of BHIVA - Presentations >

25th Annual Conference of BHIVA - Oral Research Presentations: Session 3 (16–24)

Date: 2-5 April 2019

Venue: Bournemouth International Centre, UK

Oral Research Presentations: Session 3 (16–24)

Ken Kunisaki Abstract O16 - IV antiretroviral drug regimens and lung function decline in early HIV infection
Ken Kunisaki, Minneapolis VA Health Care System

Peter Kirwan Abstract O17 - Invasive pneumococcal disease in people living with HIV in England, 1999-2017
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England

Katrina Pollock Abstract O18 - Equivalent responses to quadrivalent influenza vaccine are detectable in blood and oral fluid in healthcare workers and men living with HIV on ART
Katrina Pollock, Imperial College London

Peter Kirwan Abstract O19 - HIV co-morbidities and their impact on attendance frequency at HIV clinics in England and Wales: findings from Positive Voices 2017 linked to national cohort data
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England

Davide De Francesco Abstract O20 - Self-reported symptoms of insomnia and objective measures of sleep quality in people living with HIV and comparable controls
Davide De Francesco, University College London

Rageshri Dhairyawan Abstract O21 - Psychological burden and the impact on engagement with care among ethnically diverse older women with HIV
Rageshri Dhairyawan, Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust

Peter Kirwan Abstract O22 - Clinical outcomes and experiences of trans people accessing HIV care in England
Peter Kirwan, Public Health England

Daniel Bradshaw Abstract O23 - Risk factors and patterns of HCV transmission amongst men who have sex with men
Daniel Bradshaw, Public Health England

Lucy Garvey Abstract O24 - Fall in HCV incidence in HIV+ MSM in London following expansion of access to DAA therapy
Lucy Garvey, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

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